Candle care and safety

Before Lighting:

• Before burning, always trim the wick to ¼ inch. You can use a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors.
• Keep the wax pool clear of wick trimmings, matches and debris at all times.
• Always use a candleholder specifically designed for candle use. It should be heat resistant, sturdy, and large enough to contain any drips or melted wax.
• Burn candles in a well-ventilated room: Avoid drafts, vents or air currents. This will help prevent rapid or uneven burning, soot, and excessive dripping.
• Do not burn for longer than 4 hours and cool for at least 2 hours before relighting.
• When lighting a candle, use long matches or a long-reach lighter. Keep your hair and loose clothing away from the flame.

While Burning:
• Never leave a candle unattended.
• Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, and bedding.

  • Botanical candle: once the wax has melted, botanicals should be removed with tweezers or chop sticks.

When Extinguishing a Candle:

• Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering.
• Never use water to extinguish a candle. Water can cause the hot wax to splatter and might break a glass container.
• Make sure the candle is completely out and the wick ember is no longer glowing before leaving the room.
• Don’t touch or move the candle until it has completely cooled.
• Never use a knife or sharp object to remove wax drippings from a glass holder. It might scratch, weaken, or cause the glass to break upon subsequent use.

  • DO NOT LET THE CANDLE BURN ITSELF OUT. The candle may continue to burn and become too hot. That excessive heat may cause the jar to break or even explode. Discontinue burning a candle when 1/2 inch remains in the container or 2 inches if using a pillar candle.

Please refer to the NCA website (National Candle Association) for any questions or safety concerns.